Epic’s partnership with GAME supported by Facebook to facilitate an Annual Convening set to galvanize youth-led mass entrepreneurship in India.
Overview –
Believing in the potential of Mass Entrepreneurship to transform the face of the economy in India, the Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship held an Annual Convening to bring together partners and stakeholders under one roof for discussing the way forward. Epic upon understanding the vision charged up towards making the event a huge success.
Approach –
The annual mass entrepreneurship convening was a part of the initiatives by Facebook and GAME together to build a robust mass entrepreneurship ecosystem and more specifically, help women start and succeed as entrepreneurs.
Communication, buzz creation and invitee management were majorly looked after in the pre-event phase. Epic created and managed the organic and paid marketing campaign for GAME’s social media channels. A month of information sharing and tagging led to a great footfall on the day of the event. While we did live tweets on the event happenings, the event was also streamed live on the official pages of Facebook and GAME with a viewership reach of 2,49,000.
While each session of the agenda was curated to include eminent personalities of their spheres, some of the sessions and workshops especially stood out because of the speakers and their informative topics.
The event was graced by Smriti Zubin Irani (Honourable Minister of Women and Child Development) who spoke of the need to support women entrepreneurship, digitally skilling and bridging the gender divide. She along with Shelley Thakral (Head of Policy Programs,
India, South Asia and Central Asia) and Vidya Chandy and Ravi Venkatesan (Founder GAME) launched ‘Unlocking Entrepreneurship Opportunities for Women,’ a landscape study that provides a comprehensive overview of the entrepreneurship opportunities available to women.
Yasmin Haque (UNICEF Representative in India), Rajiv Kumar (Vice Chairman Niti Aayog) and leading entrepreneurs shared the stage to discuss the wave of mass entrepreneurship in allegiance with government policies.
The parallel breakout sessions and networking were dealt exceptionally by team Epic because of aggressive planning, high-profile management and seamless coordination with the stakeholders.
The Outcome –
The event saw policymakers, senior civil society, business leaders, media and entrepreneurs co-creating and collaborating for the mass entrepreneurship ecosystem. It garnered a lot of attention on Facebook and Twitter and proved to be the first of its kind event to kick-start a large-scale movement in the country.